Founded in 1921 on research and innovation values, Ferrari Stampi now represents a stronghold in tiles sector offering to tiles companies its knowledge and organization. The aim is to achieve altogether with the customers more and more advanced goals.
Born when ceramic production was completely manual with mechanical limits, Ferrari Stampi carried out its experience over time through continuous research and highly specialized staff, becoming a reference oint for the Tiles District in Sassuolo.
Making and transforming metals into moulds, punches, mechanical parts through a very high precision work: this was and still is the great challenge of Ferrari Stampi, which has always been able to give its customers a guarantee of quality. Driven by the concept of evolution and collaboration with its customers, during all the seventies the Ferrari Stampi was able to find the most advanced solutions for the pressing cycle, finding synergies in the mechanical and technological field, already in great demand at the time.
With Mr. Lauro Silvesrtini’s arrival as current President, the Ferrari Stampi made enormous progresses, exploited the historical values of experimentation and customer support and evolving to become a highly dynamic contemporary company. In fact, Mr. Lauro Silvestrini enjoyed many years of experience at the Ferrari Stampi and, therefore, he has been able to give new impulse to the production of moulds which is always keeping up with the development of the ceramic industries.
Ferrari Stampi has thus become an essential engine for the industries of Sassuolo. In fact, the mould is still one of the substantial elements for in-line production and thanks to the continuous and in-depth research and technological evolution the tiles have largely transformed from double-firing to porcelain stoneware.